Friday, February 3, 2012

Breaking The Mold

I'm excited. This past week I released my debut eBook, "A Hero's Rise." It has its flaws I'm sure, without professional editing, but the spirit and tale I wanted to portray is all there. A city that comes to life. A villain you can believe in as a truly bad human being. And of course a hero.

If you read my last post, you know about my ten year old alter ego and superhero 'Coolkid.' Well, 13 years later, Coolkid is back and brought to life for all to see. From my imagination as a kid, to my imagination now, Coolkid has certainly come a long way. This is my story, about my story.

As a little kid I loved heroes. Whether with superpowers or regular people with nothing but a handgun and two fists, heroes amazed me. And so came Coolkid, a ten year old crime-fighter who loved to trash talk, dance, and fight his way through hordes of enemies. Without a care in the world and his favorite Hawaiian shirt, Coolkid was unstoppable.

Fortunately for you and me, I wasn't writing books when I was ten, and as I matured, so did Coolkid. (THANK GOD) Stuck in my memory like an imaginary brother, Coolkid shared in the trouble of being a teenager. The happy-go-lucky, dancing Coolkid lost a spring in his step, becoming more of a loner striving for attention. I was always a bit mature for my age, despising teenage hijinks, therefor Coolkid too saw past such immature behavior.

It wasn't until times of my own frustration did Coolkid ultimately take shape. Using my character as an outlet for anger, Coolkid became a rage fueled machine. That is when I could see a story to tell. A Hero's Rise is only the beginning of Coolkid's journey. Starting out as a naive, awkward teenager, only a few glimpses are shown as to what Coolkid will eventually become. And what he becomes, in my opinion, is one of the most sympathetic and greatest hero's ever told.

I love Coolkid, making it all the harder to watch my friend, brother, and hero suffer so greatly.

You can check out the kindle version of my book here: hero's rise

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